Blog – Electronics and Programming

Electronics and Programming tutorials and projects

wifi lan esp32 enc28j60

WiFi LAN Converter With ESP32 and ENC28J60 Module

This project is a WiFi to LAN with “ENC28J60” and “ESP32” firmware arduino source code (.ino). The project gives you an internet access via WiFi modem, over the LAN port (like USB WiFi stations). Simply you can plug the ESP32 power, configure it with the modem’s SSID and Password, connect your PC or laptop to…
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promote free electronics projects arduino microcontroller source code

Promote Instead Payment

I provide electronics projects, schematics, arduino and microcontroller source codes and firmware in my on-line store. You can promote my on-line store ( and share the projects in your social media (facebook, twitter, linkedin, instagram etc. with hashtags and direct links), your blog or your website instead of paying the price with the cryptocurrency. Just…
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nodemcu esp32 esp8266 audio recorder

ESP8266 Audio Recorder

ESP8266 has an ADC input which is a 10 bit analog to digital converter and this pin is the audio signal input for the “ESP8266 Audio Recorder” project. This project is an arduino (c-language) source code, which is a firmware for the ESP8266 module and records the audio data by reading the ADC pin’s value,…
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nodemcu microphone

NodeMCU Microphone

I have updated the ESP8266/NodeMCU Microphone Arduino project and it is available in the following link: ESP8266/NodeMCU Network WiFi Spy Microphone Arduino Source Code – Rev 2.0 Also there’s another Arduino program for the ESP32 modules in the following link: ESP32 Network WiFi Microphone Arduino Source Code and Schematic – rev 2.0 In the new…
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wifi robot esp32-cam

WiFi Robot (3-Wheels) With ESP32-Cam and ATmega8A

This project is an “ESP32-Cam WiFi Robot” firmware arduino source code (.ino) and also can be used as a “Dome Camera”. This project is based on the “ESP32 WebApp Builder” and Arduino ESP32-CAM CCTV, WiFi IP Camera projects. The WiFi Robot project uses the “AI Thinker ESP32-CAM” module which has a 2MP Camera, 10 I/O…
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spy camera esp32-cam

Spy Camera (Video, Audio & Network Stream) With ESP32-Cam

This project is an “ESP32 WiFi Camera Microphone (Spy Camera)” firmware arduino source code (.ino) with Chain Network feature which is based on the “ESP32 WebApp Builder” project. The “Chain Network” is a local network which the devices one by one are connected to the each other. The Spy Camera project uses the “AI Thinker…
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esp spy microphone

ESP Spy Microphone

Here is another update for the “ESP Spy Microphone” project which is ESP8266/NodeMCU and ESP32 WiFi microphone arduino source code, revision 1.5. In this update I have increased the audio stream recorder sample rate to 240KHz for both of ESP8266 and ESP32 firmware. Also the new feature is the “Chain Network” which is a local…
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esp8266 esp32 wifi ecg monitor

WiFi ECG Monitor With ESP32/ESP8266 and MAX30100

This project is an ESP32 and ESP8266 WiFi ECG Monitor (Electro Cardio Gram) and “Pulse Oximeter” firmware with Chain Network feature. The “Chain Network” is a local network which the devices one by one are connected to the each other. This project is based on the “ESP32 WebApp Builder” and “ESP8266 WebApp Builder” projects which…
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esp wifi oscilloscope esp8266 esp32

ESP WiFi Oscilloscope and Network Volt Meter

Today I’m going to introduce my new esp based projects which is “ESP WiFi Oscilloscope and Volt Meter” firmware with Chain Network feature. This projects are based on the “ESP32 WebApp Builder” and “ESP8266 WebApp Builder” projects which is a base source code with the chain network feature. These projects are available in the following…
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esp webapp programmable wifi module

ESP WebApp for ESP8266 and ESP32 with chain network feature

The ESP WebApp project is a base source code which also has the chain network feature and a WebApp builder file which lets you customize your own WebApp style and menus. The project is available in the following links: ESP32 WebApp Builder + Chain Network Feature (Arduino Source Code) – Rev 1.4 ESP8266 WebApp Builder…
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