NodeMCU Microphone

Electronics and Programming tutorials and projects

NodeMCU Microphone

nodemcu microphone

I have updated the ESP8266/NodeMCU Microphone Arduino project and it is available in the following link:

ESP8266/NodeMCU Network WiFi Spy Microphone Arduino Source Code – Rev 2.0

Also there’s another Arduino program for the ESP32 modules in the following link:

ESP32 Network WiFi Microphone Arduino Source Code and Schematic – rev 2.0

In the new revision, I removed the Arduino-based web server+its library and added my own web server codes instead. So the speed of Web Application incredibly increased.

And I increased the audio buffer size, so the noises in ESP8266/NodeMCU Microphone’s output audio decreased.

Also in the previous version, the secure link worked, but the wrong secure link didn’t block the connection and redirected it to the 404 page, but in this revision it blocks the connection with a 1 second delay which is more secure. Specially when you’re going to use port forwarding feature.

NodeMCU Microphone features

– Web Application (at address)
– Playing the audio stream online
– Recording the audio stream in the browser’s cache
– Access via the module’s hotspot and modem/router IP
– Password protection by the “Secure Link”
– Customizable audio quality (96Kbps…240Kbps)
– Downloadable audio stream with its direct link (
– Network audio stream
– Downloadable network audio stream with its direct link ( [x: channel number])
– Network signal scope

The projects and also the free demo revision are available in the following:


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