Category: Videos

Electronics and Programming tutorials and projects

wicard timer 1

WiCard Timer (+Tutorial Video)

WiCard 32 Bit Timer With help of my project, ESP8266 and ATmega8a (WiCard) module, you can build this timer project. There’s a 32 bit timer counter in WiCard WiFi module. The timer calls its handler function whenever its counter reaches to 0. The unit of the timer counter is micro second (uS). This feature in…
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wicard adc

WiCard ADC (+Tutorial Video)

With help of my project, ESP8266 and ATmega8a (WiCard) module, you can build this adc project. WiCard ADC (Analogue to Digital Converter) There are 22 lines of the pins available for the user to program in WiCard WiFi module. 8 of these lines can be set as “Analogue to Digital Converter” (ADC) input. PIN Port…
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Toggling an LED with WiCard

For toggling an LED with ESP8266 WiFi controller module, you can either use the Web Application project or the WiCard module. This video introduces the WiCard WiFi controller module and will show you how simply you can turn an LED on/off with your cell phone: The Schematic of the circuit in the video: The simple…
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