With this source code, an “ESP32-CAM” module and a 5.0v power source, build a CCTV/IP camera with motion sensing.
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This project is an “ESP32 WiFi Camera (IPCam)” firmware arduino source code (.ino) with Time Lapse and Chain Network feature which is based on the “ESP32 WebApp Builder” project. The “Chain Network” is a local network which the devices one by one are connected to the each other.
The IPCam project uses the “AI Thinker ESP32-CAM” module which has a 2MP Camera, 10 I/O pins, an on-chip LED and one MicroSD slot to store the images and videos. With its tiny sized camera and 240MHz CPU is able to provide a fair quality images and video frames.
The source code contains the following files:
Compilation and programming of this source code is compatible with “Arduino ESP32” rev 1.0.6
And all you need to use is just a web browser.
First open one of the files with Arduino program, then set the settings as the following image (Board and Flash Frequency).
Then turn on the ESP32 module in the “download mode” (GPIO0àGND) and upload the program with using an USB2Serial module.
The “Ai Thinker ESP32-Cam” module is completed. You only need a standard 5V power source.
Also you can stick a heat sink to the module’s regulator. It’s not necessary but recommended.
This is the assembled circuit with a 5V power source inside of an enclosure:
The “Chain Network” is a local network which the devices one by one are connected to the each other (Series). In the chain network, the first device is the master of network. The starter (either the master or the last joined module) is directly connected to the WebApp. It sends the command to the next device, and the next device sends it to the next one till the last device. The last device response will be sent to the first device and finally the WebApp via the middle devices.
You can join up to 4 cameras, either with “ESP32 SpyCam” firmware (Audio and Video recorder) rev 1.4 or “ESP32 IPCam” firmware (which has not the audio record feature) rev 1.4 in a chain network and see the online stream of the Cameras.
Plug the power and turn on the circuit and the module in “normal mode”.
Then the LED will blink once (in case of everything is ok). Then you’ll be able to see the module’s hot spot ssid via the WiFi networks in your PC or smart phone.
The default SSID is WiCardCam and the default password is 12345678. Connect and go to with a PC or smart phone web browser (Chrome or Firefox).
Here’s the web UI:
Right after loading the page, the module starts recording and buffering automatically.
By tap on the video image, the image will scale to full with and original size.
There are two buttons under the image. With “CAPTURE”, the module will take and save a shot and with tap or click on the “LIGHT” button, the on-chip flash light will turn on and off.
In case of using the “Chain Network” feature, If you join multiple ESP32-Cams to the network, you’ll be able to see an online stream of all of the joined cameras at the same time. in the “Streams” page:
By one click on each image, the “Capture” and “Light” buttons will appear and by double click on each images, you can enlarge and see the selected camera stream in higher quality.
By tap or click on the “menu button” (top-right), the menu items will be appeared:
This web application is also compatible with both of mobile and desktop device browsers:
The Web Application is divided to 3 menus. The menus can be selected by click on the menu button.
“Streams” refers to the “Online Stream” page, “Memory” refers to the file manager and “Settings” refers to the settings page.
In the “Memory” page, you can see the saved images (.jpg format) and the recorded videos.
The videos save in “.jp5” format and in the current firmware revision, you can only play the videos in this page.
Also you can access to another device’s memory in this page with setting the “Target” device in the settings page.
There are 3 buttons under the image:
The left button under the image (blue button) shows the file name and has the direct link of file (you can right click on it and copy the link).
The middle button shows the next file.
And the right button, removes the file.
You can download the images by tap or click on the image.
By click on the play button (middle of the JP5 file image), the video will be downloaded and played along with the audio and you can pause the video by tap or click on the image.
The web application’s settings menu has been divided to 5 parts:
- Compatibility of WiFi Microphone devices for the Network feature
- Bugs fixed
- Online Audio stream added for the SpyCam devices in the network
- Faster online stream
- Faster network stream
- Time lapse added
- File manager added
- AVI file export added
- Bugs fixed
- The capacity of network increased up to 4 streams
- The quality of network stream increased
- Page loading speed increased
- Buffer size increased
- Connection secured with upgrading the secure link feature
- Settings bug fixed
- Auto network channel and target selector added
- Network Stream feature added.
- Network memory access added.
- Online signal scope added.
- .jp5 file added in the player.
- Video player upgraded.
- Bugs fixed.
- The WebApp appearance (Web UI) changed
- The audio decoder added to the WebApp
- SPI mode added
- Supports FAT32 and newer microSD cards
- Flash light during recording
- PIR input added
- SecretLink bug fixed
- Motion Sensor
- Recoding videos
- Playing videos and images
- Camera configuration
- Server option
- Internal pages secure link
- Server script
- Shop MAC and IP in config page
- Video stream
- Saving the images
- LED toggle on/off
- Set module hotspot and modem’s ssid and password
- Automatically connection to the modem
- Config page
- Hidden hotspot button
- Disable hotspot button