Prices of Electronics and Programming projects

Electronics and Programming tutorials and projects

Prices of Electronics and Programming projects

wicard programmable wifi module 5

You can get the general releases of the projects for free or at low prices through the link below, or inquire a customized project (either one of the general programming/electronics/arduino project or a new project) through our contact form.

Basic prices for inquiring a standard PCB design with schematics:

The basic price of designing a one layer PCB is $50
Two-layer board $100
Four-layer board $200

The design price depending on the density of the dip/trough-hole components based on the dimensions of the parts:

Up to one component per square centimeter, $5
Two components, $10
Three components $20

Board design price for SMD or combined components:

One component per centimeter is $10
Two components, $15
Three components, $20
Four components, $30
Five components, $50

Board design price of re-design or reverse-engineering method:

One DIP component per centimeter is $5
Two DIP components, $10
Three DIP components, $15

One SMD component per centimeter is $10
Two SMD components, $15
Three SMD components, $20
Four SMD components, $25
Five SMD components, $30

Circuit design rate:

Base price for an analog or digital circuit design project without a microcontroller: $200

With Microcontroller: $400

Project with software UI: $800

Project with hardware UI (LCD): $1000

Software prices:

Base price for computer software: $500

Android app/Web App: $500

Web design: $500

Use our contact page inquire a request:


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