Tag: PCB

Electronics and Programming tutorials and projects

auto irrigation

Automatic Irrigation Circuit with ATTiny13A (PCB, Schematic, BOM)

ATTiny13A is a low-cost and tiny AVR microcontroller with 1KB memory. The PCB file of auto irrigation system has been made by “Altium”, also there is a “PDF” and “DipTrace” revision of the schematic and PCB in the project files. Auto Irrigation system has a day counter for the time interval between the watering. The…
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electronics programming project

Doing Online Electronics (Digital, Analogue And WiFi) And Programming (Software, Web And App) Projects

We also do project for your company and/or your business. Our experienced and powerful design team at WiCardTech would like to help you to reach to your goals. We do project regarding circuit and PCB design, weather analogue or digital and computer, web and app programming online-ly. We’re specialize at the following fields: Electronics Digital…
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esp webapp programmable wifi module

Programmable WiFi Module, ESP8266 and ESP32

ESP8266 and ESP32 are two kinds of programmable WiFi module which connects to the user control panel or application via Wi-Fi. So It allows users to have access to its features over the air and wirelessly. We have a lot of projects based on these two useful module. Programmable WiFi Module Firmware and Flash Programming…
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