Tag: microcontroller

Electronics and Programming tutorials and projects

auto irrigation

Automatic Irrigation Circuit with ATTiny13A (PCB, Schematic, BOM)

ATTiny13A is a low-cost and tiny AVR microcontroller with 1KB memory. The PCB file of auto irrigation system has been made by “Altium”, also there is a “PDF” and “DipTrace” revision of the schematic and PCB in the project files. Auto Irrigation system has a day counter for the time interval between the watering. The…
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electronic WiCard WiFi Module 1

Electronic Engineering Tutorials

There are multiple useful tutorial posts about electronics and electronic engineering in my website. Here are some of the tutorials: Advantages and disadvantages of connecting resistors in series and parallelOperational Amplifier IC (OP-AMP)Transistor amplifierElectrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fieldsCapacitor applications in the circuit designCircuit design and constructionTransistor and how to use it in the circuitCapacitor and…
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