Free Arduino Projects: WiFi Microphone, WiFi Camera…

Electronics and Programming tutorials and projects

Free Arduino Projects: WiFi Microphone, WiFi Camera…

free arduino projects

From today we have decided to release the schematic plans, PCB plans and the source codes of most of our projects for free for a while. The following free arduino projects are available in our website:

ESP8266 WiFi Microphone Free Arduino Project Source Code (ESP12, NodeMcu…)

With this source code, an ESP8266 and a standard microphone module, build a 80kbps WiFi microphone with audio recorder and live stream player.

The “Ai Thinker ESP12” module (ESP8266MOD) has an ACD pin (works in range of 0V to 3.3V) with 10 bits resolution (0-1023). The pin is between RST and EN. In the “WiFi Microphone” project, we have used this channel as the audio signal input.

Compatiple with ESP8266 modules which have ADC pin, like ESP-12-E and ESP8266 NodeMCU.

The module reads audio signal from ADC pin, then decode it to audio data and transmits it to the web browser. Web browser receives the data and stars recording it to a WAV file. Also the user can play the recorded audio live-ly.

This project contains two folders ESP8266WiFiMicrophone (the WiFi Microphone source code) and PHP Script (For non-static IP and saving the last used IP in a server use option).

The project’s link: WiFi Microphone With ESP8266/ESP12 Arduino, Source code+schematic

ESP32-CAM Arduino Source Code (Handler Program) For CCTV and IP Camera

With this source code, a “ESP32-CAM” module and a 5.0v power source, build a CCTV/IP camera with motion sensing.

ESP32-CAM module contains a 2MP Camera, some I/O pins and one MicroSD slot to store the images and videos. With its tiny size and 240MHz CPU is able to provide a fair quality images. This project is a source code which lets you to handle the camera and use the module’s special features.

Compilation and programming of this source code is compatible with “Arduino ESP32” rev 1.0.6

And all you need to use is just a web browser.

Here’s the project’s link: Arduino ESP32-CAM CCTV, WiFi IP Camera Source Code – Rev 1.1

WiFi ECG Monitor (Oximerer and Heart-Rate Diagram) with ESP8266

This project is the arduino source code and schematic of an “ECG Monitor” With “ESP8266” WiFi Module and “MAX30100” pulse oximetry and heart-rate module

WiFi ECG Monitor calculate and shows the blood’s oxygen saturation and the heartbeat-rate with the diagram.
“ESP8266” is a programmable WiFi module which is the main processor of the project and communicates with the oximeter module via I2C and the user interface via WiFi.

“MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter” is a module with two RED and Infrared LEDs and reads the reflection value of the LED’s from top of the finger.
The output data form MAX30100 is so many samples in a second which contains LEDs reflection ADC value.

The project’s link: WiFi ECG Source Code and Schematic (ESP8266 and Max30100) – Rev 1.0

The projects are available in the following:


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