Admin Dashboard Web Template – based on bootstrap

Electronics and Programming tutorials and projects

Admin Dashboard Web Template – based on bootstrap

Admin Dashboard Web Template (Dialogue)

After long effort, the result of our team’s work turned out that is version 1.1 of template Dialogue (admin dashboard web template based on bootstrap)
Know this template with its details. Because we’ve tried follow all the tips that we gained within five years of experience.

This means that although a template can’t be perfect, but defects can be reduced and Dialogue is low-defect.

So I suggest you do not miss seeing the demo because initiatives used in this template will surprise you and realize that this template is not a duplicate template.

To order a customized dashboard web template design, please contact us.

Admin Dashboard Web Template Features

In the following we mention to some unique features of Dialogue admin theme:


In addition to beautifully Dialogue designed practical when programming or use, be useful in practice.

Personalization capabilities:

At the right in the hidden column there are many options that with the help of them you can have a template according to your liking.

Drag and drop:

In Dialogue, panels are at your disposal, close them, open them, change their width, Scroll to them and sort them as you wish. In a word manage them.

Keyboard shortcuts:

If time is important to you the impact shortcuts are realized in the long run. With Dialogue give time your clients or yourself.

Other Dialogue features:

 + Charts using Google

 + Bootstrap Tour for switches and special pages that need guidance

 + Sticky Sidebar

 + Full responsive mega menu

 + Customize the color customizer!

 + jQuery functions ready to use

 + CSS classes to help design

 + Separation of code, fonts and z-index

 + Use Bootstrap functionality to reduce the file Style’s size

 + Chat bar

 + scroll to panels

 + hide and show panels


 – jQuery (javascript library)

 – jQuery UI (user interface framework)

 – bootstrap (user interface framework)

 – font awesome (font icon – css)

 – colorclass (HTML inline coloring)

 – theia sticky sidebar (fixed sticky columns)

 – lity (easy image light box)

 – feather light gallery (light box gallery)

 – mousetrap (keyboard shortcuts)

 – toastr (alert and notification)

 – sweet alert 2 (alert and notification)

 – bootstrap tour (help and guidance)

 – full calendar (calendar)

 – google chart (charts)

 – easy pie chart (charts)

 – flot chart (charts)

 – google map (online map)

 – jqvmap (vector map)

 – jQuery bootgrid (dynamic table)

 – The jQuery steps (steps of tabs)

 – jQuery validate (form validation)

 – Zaccordion (horizontal accordion)

 – summernote (text editor)

 – ckeditor (text editor)

 – elFinder (file manager – php)

 – ihover (animations on mouse hover – css)

 – 5 google fonts (css)

 – full page slider (slider.html)


 + font size changer

 + toggle top bar between dark and light

 + menu color changer

 + background pattern setter

 + toggle menu between horizontal and vertical

 + fixed or static top bar

 + sticky or static side bar

 + toggle night mode

 + toggle boxed layout and full width


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