With this source code, an ESP8266 (or NodeMCU) module and a 3.3v power source, build a WiFi oscilloscope (70Ksps*10bit Analog, 3Msps Digital)+network volt meter
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This project is an ESP8266 WiFi Oscilloscope firmware with Network Volt Meter.
This project is based on the “ESP8266 WebApp Builder” project which is a base source code with the chain network feature.
There are the following files in this project:
The ADC pin of ESP8266 module is the analog input and the default digital input pin is GPIO 05.
The input range of analog signal for the ADC pin is between 0-1V for the ESP8266 modules and between 0-3.3V for the NodeMCU modules.
With the suggested circuit in the manual file, the input signal voltage can be vary between 0-12V
The input of digital signal should be 0V (LOW) or 3.3V (HIGH). If your digital “High” voltage may be up to 5V, you can use the suggested circuit in the manual file as the voltage divider:
The WiFi oscilloscope project has a nice and responsive web application which is placed in the root page address ( by default and can be set to or you can use the router’s DHCP IP).
The screen resolution is 12288x4096 pixels. By click on the screen you can download the Graph file in .png format and the zoomed result would be like this:
There are 4 toggle buttons under the scope screen:
And 8 push buttons under the scope screen:
This web application is also compatible with cell phone and mobile device browsers:
The Web Application is divided to 3 menus. The menus can be selected by click on the menu button.
“Oscilloscope” refers to the WiFi Oscilloscope page, “Volt-Meter” refers to the Network Volt Meter page and “Settings” refers to the settings page.
In the “Volt-Meter” page, there are 16 channel rows of the volt meters result. That means you can add up to 16 devices to the chain network and see the values.
In the above picture, only two devices (CH0 and CH1) are connected to the network.
The “Volt Meter’s Network Channel” can be set in the settings menu.
The web application’s settings menu has been divided to 5 parts:
For the programming, use the pre-defined functions in the files which start with “user”.
Add your start-up script to the “userInit()” function in user_init.ino file. No need to do wifi or server configuration. This configuration already have done in the firmware system files (e.g. systemInit() and setup()).
The “userLoop()” function (user_loop.ino) calls repeatedly (like arduino “loop()” function), If your program needs to execute a statement repeatedly (e.g. reading a sensor’s data), insert your script in this function.
The “webapp.h” file is the root page’s script. You can customize sWebApp variable in that file if you’re going to make changes in the Web UI.
Also you can customize the “userGetSettings()” function (user_settings.ino), for adding more settings to the firmware. The WebApp execute this function when you click on the Settings menu.
After you click on the SAVE button of the user-defined settings, the “userSetSettings()” functions will be called.
The “userMainInit()” in the “user_main.ino” file, calls once and only just in the network starter when you click on the “Oscilloscope”menu (or initially after loading the root page). You can initiate the uiAppData in this function.
The “userMain()” in the “user_main.ino” file, calls intervally or by clicking on the “Oscilloscope” menu elements. The WebApp will send the uiAppData to this function and then it can be transferred in the chain network.
The “userSubInit()” in the “user_sub.ino” file, calls once and only just in the network starter when you click on the “Volt-Meter” menu.
The “userSub()” in the “user_sub.ino” file, calls intervally or by clicking on the menu elements. The WebApp will send the uiAppData to this function and then it can be transferred in the chain network.
The “userGlobal()” function in the “user_global.ino” file calls at the same time in all of the devices in the chain network after the “CMD delay” time.
In the AC.h file, if you remove “#define LOG_ENABLE”, the logs will not be shown and the log memory would be released.
In the user_global.h file, you can set the default digital channel by the following “define” variable:
#define%26nbsp;%26nbsp; DIGITAL_CH_PIN%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp; 5
And you can set the analog raising and falling detection threshold value by the following variables:
#define%26nbsp;%26nbsp; ADC_R_THR%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp; 20
#define%26nbsp;%26nbsp; ADC_F_THR%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp;%26nbsp; 20
-Sample rate increased to 70Ksps
-Digital channel added (3Msps)
-Screen resolution increased to 4096*12288
-12 Buttons and features added
-Network volt meter added
-The Web Ui upgraded
-256x1000 pixel screen
-Sample speed button
-Internal pages secure link
-Shop MAC and IP in config page
-Set module hotspot and modem’s ssid and password
-Automatically connection to the modem
-Config page
-Hidden hotspot button
-Disable hotspot button